Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
Students on Nantucket were challenged to submit original art illustrating the night sky, creatures that are active at night, or the study of the stars and planets. There were over 100 submissions!
The top twelve finalists are featured in the 2023 Nantucket Student Dark Sky Art Calendar and will be displayed (along with other contest entries) at the Artists Association of Nantucket's Visual Art Center, located at 24 Amelia Drive, from January 14 through February 10, 2023.
The limited edition calendar will be available at no charge (while supplies last!) at the AAN exhibit, courtesy of the Nantucket Conservation Foundation.
Special thanks to Liz Buccino (AAN), Neil Foley (NCF), and Anna Popnikolova (student advisor to Nantucket Lights) for organizing the contest and to Dr. Regina Jorgenson (MMA) for organizing the Look Up! program for Nantucket students.
Calendar design by: Leah Mojer
Front cover art of calendar by: Willow Psaradelis, age 12, grade 6
Gift certificates for top three winners donated by: Nantucket Book Works
JANUARY - Anna Cronin, age 14, grade 8 (THIRD PRIZE)
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