Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
A donation -- no matter how small -- will help us achieve our goals. There are several ways to donate. Donations to the Dark Sky Community Fund managed by the Community Foundation for Nantucket -- which are tax deductible -- will support our educational and charitable intiatives. Donations to our GoFundMe campaign, while not tax deductible, will help pay for our general operational expenses and policy advocacy.
The more supporters we have, the more influential we can be. Join our email list to show your support for our mission and goals, and to get updates, calls to action, and other important information delivered directly to your inbox.
Watch for ways you can help on this front, as we become aware of proposals that you can lobby for or vote for.
Follow the guidance in our Outdoor Lighting Guide for making your own home or business dark-sky friendly.
Let your neighbors, friends, family members and businesses you frequent know about the importance of preserving our dark skies and encourage them to join our dark sky movement.
You can also show your support by putting one of our bumper stickers on your vehicle. Available at no charge!
You can also show your support by wearing this wonderful t-shirt. For sale at
Copyright © 2023 Nantucket Lights - All Rights Reserved.
The more supporters we have, the more influential we can be. Join our email list to show your support for our mission and to get updates, calls to action, and other important information delivered directly to your inbox.