Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
The universal custom is to display the U.S. flag from sunrise to sunset, according to the U.S. Code (Title 4, Section 6(a)). If you lower your flag at sunset, there’s no need to light it!
Under the bylaw, flag lighting may be used throughout the night if it meets these general requirements and the additional requirements discussed next. However, the most dark-sky and neighbor friendly thing to do would be to take your flag down at sunset and not use any flag lighting.
See below for restrictions on lighting a flag using uplighting.
Flagpoles taller than 20 ft can only be illuminated using downlighting, using either a fixture attached to the top of the flagpole or mounted above the flagpole on a structure within 15 ft of the flagpole.
The lumen output is limited to 800 lumens per fixture.
See Section 102-5D(1).
Flagpoles that are equal to or less than 20 ft tall may be lit from below provided that:
See Section 102-5D(2).
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