Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
Save the Night | Be the Solution, Stop Light Pollution
Holiday lights are a treasured tradition on Nantucket and add magic to the season. The good news is you can use them and still be dark-sky and neighbor friendly. In addition, some holiday light displays may qualify for an administrative waiver.
Decorative lighting for holidays can't be installed more than 6 weeks prior to a holiday and must be removed within 2 weeks after it (Section 102-5C(1)).
Temporary holiday lighting is limited to:
(Section 102-5C(2))
Floodlights, spotlights, and projector lights must be aimed so that no light is directly shining into the night sky or onto adjacent properties or a public right-of-way (Section 102-5C(3)).
Temporary holiday lighting is not subject to the requirements for shielding and color temperature, and may be excluded when counting total lumens per site and total lumens for unshielded luminaires for purposes of the limits stated in Section 102-4C. However, whenever possible, we urge you to use warmer color temperatures (2700K or less) to limit the emission of harmful blue light.
An administrative waiver can be granted by the Lighting Enforcement Officer if a property owner can demonstrate that compliance with one or more requirements of the bylaw would be detrimental to health, safety, or welfare (Section 102-8).
An argument could be made that restricting elaborate holiday light displays like the Bamber lights on Friendship Lane (shown here in 2023) — to the extent they don't comply with the bylaw — would be detrimental to the welfare of the community given how popular they are.
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